Friday, October 15, 2010

Midterms finished = reading time!

Oh how I am so happy to have finished midterms! I apologize for not posting all week, but it was so nice to return to a blog with more followers and comments!

Anyways, seeing how I didn't get any reading time crammed into my study schedule, I'm still reading Perfect Chemistry and boy, is it GOOD! I might want to head to something more geared towards romance and/or fantasy like The Iron DaughterWinter's Passage, or something dealing with social issues perhaps? Oh who knows...

What's a good book I should read after Perfect Chemistry?


  1. I did read Winter's Passage while I was traveling. It seems easy to read shorter novellas while going about.

    You will currently find my nose in between Beautiful Darkness. I'm so in love with this series :)

    Mad Scientist

  2. I loved Perfect Chemistry! The last really good fantasy/romance book I read, was Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston. It's a faery one, and it's really sweet. And the main character, Kelley, actually has some brains in comparison to most YA female protagonists lol. You might like that one. :)
